Thyroidism is caused by either underproduction or over production of the thyroid gland. The production levels can be detected by a CD3 blood test. Please keep in mind that many fertility experts believe that the recommended amount of TSH should be lower in TTC/Pregnant woman then in the general public. That recommended amount is 0.24 - 2.99. When getting your blood drawn it is recommended you ask for your levels, if it is higher then the above recommended amount, please be proactive and ask questions! Some doctors still are not on the same page about what is the correct level, it is important to seek advice from a Endrocrynologist (thyroid specialist).
Hypothyroidism is when your TSH levels are above the recommended amount. Thyroid disease is interrelated with women's hormones, and can have an impact on menstrual cycles, fertility, estrogen/progesterone levels, successful pregnancy and/or miscarriage, the ability to breastfeed and menopause.
For more information please read the following links:
Hypothyroidism Diet
Thyroidism and pregnancy
Hyperthyroidism is when your TSH level fall below what the recommended amount is.
For more information about hyperthyroidism please read the following links:
The Mayo Clinic
Web MD medications - general information
I really noticed great improvements after taking bovine thyroid supplements for two weeks. i noticed my appetite is better than ever before, i also feel an increase in my energy levels.